Home » DB Insight » TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, which Platform has the Highest Growth Rate?

TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, which Platform has the Highest Growth Rate?

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  • In DB Insight, we extracted the following metrics from CreatorDB’s database to address the most pressing question in the influencer marketing industry:

    Which social media platform has the highest growth rate?

    What does growth rate mean for social media?

    When we talk about “growth rate” in the world of social media, we’re looking at how fast an account is gaining new followers. This can show us how well a person or business is doing online.

    For example, if a company’s Instagram account has 1,000 followers at the start of the month and gains 200 more followers by the end of the month, we can say it’s seen a 20% growth rate for that month (because 200 is 20% of 1,000).

    This growth rate helps us understand if the content being posted is interesting and engaging to followers. A rising growth rate means you’re doing well, and people like what they see.

    On the other hand, if the growth rate dips, it might be time to shake things up and try a new strategy.

    Read more:
    Social Media Algorithms, how they Work in 2023 (+ Tips)

    Do different social media platforms have different growth rate?

    Different social media platforms do have different growth rates, they depends on several factors:

    • The platform’s popularity
    • Its user demographic
    • The type of content shared
    • How the platform’s algorithms work

    For example, a vibrant and visually engaging platform like Instagram might be a better fit for a travel influencer or a fashion blogger. Here, stunning visuals can attract more followers quickly, resulting in a high growth rate.

    On the other hand, a thought leader or a tech influencer might find a platform like Twitter or LinkedIn more suitable, where text-based posts and industry-specific content could lead to steady follower growth.

    So, it’s essential for influencers and content creators to understand their audience, the nature of their content, and the unique characteristics of each platform.

    Why growth rate matters for influencers and content creators?

    The “growth rate” is a big deal for influencers and content creators because it’s like a pulse check on how well they’re doing. A steady or increasing growth rate means their content is hitting the mark—it’s engaging, exciting, and it’s getting people to click the ‘follow’ button.

    Think of it this way, every new follower is a potential fan, customer, or supporter:

    • For influencers, a higher follower count can lead to more lucrative partnerships with brands because it means a wider audience for those brands’ products or services.
    • For content creators, a growing follower count can mean more views, likes, and shares for their work, increasing their visibility and chances of monetization.

    So, which social media platform has the highest growth rate?

    From our database, we’ve found:

    Social media platform
    to 100.000
    or more
    or more

    Key takeaway

    According to CreatorDB’s own detailed database, there is a weak correlation between engagement rate and growth across all social media platforms and follower categories, suggesting that engagement rate is not a reliable predictor of growth.

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    Based on the provided data, it is clear that TikTok has consistently shown the highest growth rates among all the platforms analyzed. Specifically, TikTok’s growth rates range from 189% for creators with 10,000 to 100,000 followers, to a staggering 2570.0% for creators with 1,000,000 or more followers.

    This is a clear indication that TikTok has been able to provide a platform for creators to reach a wider audience in a short amount of time.

    In comparison, YouTube has shown the lowest growth rates among all the platforms analyzed. With growth rates ranging from 4.2% for creators with 10,000 to 100,000 followers, to just 1.3% for creators with 100,000 or more followers and 1.3% for creators with 1,000,000 or more followers, it seems that YouTube’s algorithm and policies may not be as conducive to rapid growth as TikTok’s.

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    Influencer Analytics Explained

    Instagram, on the other hand, has shown moderate growth rates compared to TikTok and YouTube. With growth rates of 4.7% for creators with 10,000 to 100,000 followers, 3.1% for creators with 100,000 or more followers, and 1.1% for creators with 1,000,000 or more followers, Instagram seems to be somewhere in between TikTok and YouTube in terms of providing a platform for creators to grow.

    Overall, these metrics suggest that TikTok may be the most effective platform for creators looking to rapidly grow their audience, while YouTube may be better suited for creators looking for more stable and consistent growth over time. Instagram, meanwhile, appears to offer a middle ground between the two.

    However, it is important to note that these metrics may not necessarily indicate long-term success or sustainability for creators on these platforms, and other factors such as content quality and audience engagement may also play significant roles in determining success.

    To learn more:
    CreatorDB’s AI data-driven approach to identifying influencers for your business

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