How Notion gathered 3.3 million views in Korea and Japan while keeping CPM under $18

Note-taking, productivity app
Target persona
Personal users, interested in tracking and planning their life activities.
Target geo
Japan & Korea
About Notion
Notion is a leading note-taking and productivity app founded in 2013. It is based in the USA, and since the release of its 2.0 version in 2018, it has become one of the most used productivity apps.
In 2020, Notion released a localized version of the app for the Korean market, and it followed up in 2022 with a Japanese version.
While Notion had already gathered a cult following in these markets, its marketing team identified a huge potential for expansion in the B2C sector.
Their initial approach was to rely on local talent agencies to onboard creators and generate further interest in the app.
By collaborating with CreatorDB, Notion could slash CPM and reach even more users.
Long integrations
3 minutes integration over the classic 1 minute to better explain the product.
Keep costs down
Provide a lower CPM than the one offered by local talent agencies.
Highlight new features
Be able to introduce the users to what is getting added to Notion in each new release.
Creators as users
Each creator had to bring their own experience and spin to the app. Highlighting what is truly useful for them and likely relatable for the audience. Many surpassed the 3-minute benchmark.
Micro-influencers FTW
Smaller and unsigned influencers allowed the campaign to feel organic and have better targeting while keeping the cost lower than average.
Selective reactivations
To promote new features the best-performing creators from the previous batches were reactivated to emphasize how such features can be combined with their use of Notion.
Videos with Notion integration per month
Within 6 months, CreatorDB broker deals for 54 integrations from 48 different creators, achieving over 3 million views.
Over 1.8 Million views
Before January 2024. By targeting specific niches of content and connecting with micro-influencers CreatorDB delivered a CPM largely under the average for the Japanese market.
Over 1.5 Million views
Before January 2024. Paying attention to emerging niches and upcoming creators CreatorDB was able to achieve a CPM ratio significantly lower than the average without sacrificing quality.